During his one week stay in Mauritius, Dr Cyrus Tabatabay perfomed 30 complex vitreo-retinal surgeries and examined 135 patients. “Working and sharing expertise together with the Moka Hospital medical team…
Teaching Eye Surgery foundation has been active since 2007 and has achieved many commitments. This Blog page regroups most of our activities and stories and this is what we have accomplished:
During his one week stay in Mauritius, Dr Cyrus Tabatabay perfomed 30 complex vitreo-retinal surgeries and examined 135 patients. “Working and sharing expertise together with the Moka Hospital medical team…
2010 started with two missions at the Moka Eye Hospital. The first mission was carried by Dr Cyrus Tabatabay, Dr Efstratios Mendrinos (HUG Geneva) and Aboo Moossajee. Dr Szilard Kiss,…
On Tuesday, December 8, 2009, a special event was organised in favour of IRIS (International Ressouces for the Improvement of the Sight) and of the T.E.S. Foundation at the Palais de l’Athénée,…
In September, Dr Nicolas Leveziel, from Paris, stayed for three weeks in Mauritius, working with the medical team of the Moka Hospital. They consulted many patients and performed complex retinal…
Dr Cyrus Tabatabay and Dr Harry Roux went to Mauritius for a one week mission. They consulted 120 patients and performed major surgeries, intravitreal injections and yag laser photocoagulations. Prof…
Prof. André Roth and Dr Moïra Bumbacher just came back from 2 weeks in Mauritius, working at the Moka Eye Hospital. Specialised in pediatric eye care, they examined, assessed and,…
On saturday, Dr C. Tabatabay examined over 40 patients in need of surgery. He was assisted by both Dr Bisnautshing and Dr Poonoosamy. The file of each patient was presented,…
Dr C. Tabatabay and A. Moossajee are back to the Moka Eye Hospital and have met with the local team again. They have brought from Switzerland products and material needed…
During this same mission, Prof. Robert Gurny, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics at the University of Geneva, meets with Prof. Henri Li Kam Wah, dean of the…
On Saturday, January 3, Professor Jean-Louis Carpentier, dean of the Faculty of Medecine of the University of Geneva visits the Moka Eye Hospital with Dr C. Tabatabay. They are bringing…
From August to September 2008, T.E.S. carried out a mission involving 6 doctors and 1 orthoptist from Geneva and Paris. 4 doctors experienced thier first mission in Mauritius: Dr Eduardo…
Thursday 8th of May 2008 Today was a heavy operating day to compensate from yesterday’s cut down. Medical and post-op consultations were also numerous. Dr C. Tabatabay performed 8 diffrent…