2010 started with two missions at the Moka Eye Hospital. The first mission was carried by Dr Cyrus Tabatabay, Dr Efstratios Mendrinos (HUG Geneva) and Aboo Moossajee. Dr Szilard Kiss, from Weill Cornell Medical School New York, joined them.
A lot was done during these two weeks.
Heavy retinal surgeries (vitrectomies) and corneal transplants were performed.
Corneal grafts were donated by the Port Louis LIONS Club who helps the Moka Eye Hospital throughout the year. For the last twelve months, T.E.S. Foundation has been working with the Port Louis LIONS Club on an important fund raising project.
They hope to acquire an OCT – Optical Coherence Tomography, for the Moka Eye Hospital. This revolutionary new technology offers high-definition images of the different layers of the retina and the macula. This allows a better observation and thus, a better assessment of the treatment needed and its follow-up.
Diabetes is widely spread in Mauritius and causes damages on the retina that, if not treated, can lead to blindness. The OCT would be of great help in the diagnosis, observation and treatment of retinal diseases due to diabetes.

A. Moossajee, Dr Dawreeawoo, Dr Uteene, Dr Tabatabay, A. Govind, Dr Mendrinos and Dr Kiss.
Dr Moïra Bumbacher and Prof. André Roth carried the second mission in Mauritius during the two last weeks of January.
Specialised in pediatric eye care, they examined numerous children and adults presenting severe strabismus problems and performed surgery for 24 of these patients.
During these two missions, T.E.S. Foundation donated instruments and material used for cataract, vitrectomy and strabismus surgery.
This material, which is of great help to the Moka Eye Hospital, was acquired thanks to private and association donations. T.E.S. would like to express its gratitude to all those who, through their support, help the foundation accomplish its mission.

Surgeons and nurses of the Moka operating theater.

End of a heavy surgical day

Main entrance of the Moka Eye Hospital.