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Dr Harry Roux, chief resident at the HUG, Hôpitaux Universiatires de Genève, spent 3 months in Mauritius from April to July 2012. During that period, he consulted about 900 patients; 307 patients were treated with the Pascal laser for diabetic retinopathy (see opposite picture), and 75 patients had Avastin intra-ocular injections for diabetic macular oedema. Diabetes is a national health problem in Mauritius as close to 25% of the population over 30 years old is suffering from it. If not diagnosed and treated early, diabetes can provoke retinal diseases that can lead to cecity.


Dr Roux also had the privilege to learn cataract surgery, both by phaco-emulsification or by extra-capsular extraction procedure, and pterygium surgery techniques with Dr Uteen, Dr Bisnautsingh, Dr Dawreeawoo and Dr Gunoo-Kowlessur. “It has been interesting and rewarding for me to work with such brilliant surgeons.”, says Dr Roux.


Dr Roux was very impressed by the progress made since 2006 by these specialists in strabismus and cataract surgery, but especially with the team of the retina, directed by Dr Uteen and Dr Bisnauthsing. They acquired the modern techniques of cataract surgery in a little over a year and a little over two years regarding the vitreoretinal surgery. Despite the workload, they were always fully available and willing to discuss complex cases.


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